
Alexander Technique in Dorset

Jeannette Martin STAT Qualified


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          During the last couple of years cycling has become incredibly popular. This is an ideal way to get fit for all age groups, though there are many considerations to make when riding a bike.Firstly choosing type and size of bike are important. Then something which is rarely thought of is, how do you ride your bike. What does this mean ?Speaking from an Alexander technique point of view noticing if your weight is fully on the saddle, how are you peddling i.e. are you making too much effort. Also what you think when you peddle makes a great difference. Looking ahead I see an incline, do I start to imagine this will need more effort or if I become aware of each peddle rotation, taking one at a time I will proably find the incline must easier to climb. Also if I don't think I must push down on each rotation but think more about a continious circling, aware of the 'back foot coming around this could make big difference to how much effort you may think you need!


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F.M.Alexander Quotes

'you can change everything, whether pysical, mental, or spiritual, into muscular tension'

'change involves carrying out an activity against the habit of life!'

"trying is only emphasizing the thing we already know"



Walking is an excellent activity for all ages although how many of us give it much thought. We maybe put on a coat, change our shoes and go outdoors. Do you notice which foot you step out with? it is probably the same one each time. Stop and start with the other foot, notice how it feels. What is happening with your hips? are you rocking from one hip to the other therefore creating more wear and tear than is necessary. Are you allowing your heel to arrive first with flexibility in your ankles or is your stride very 'staight legged' and not using your joints i.e ankles knees and hips to flex easily as they are designed to. Watch how others walk, can you recognise some one you know in the distance by the way they move when walking. We all have more habits than we realise, our way of walking being one of them.

With an Alexander Technique teacher unhelpful habits can be addressed by learning to come back into balance, releasing unnecessary tension and walking in an easier way


Soon there will be lots to do in the garden - a perfect time to practice the Alexander Technique!

Many people complain of backache whilst gardening. Possibly from bending for too long or bending in an unhelpful way. Why do we continue to do something when we know it we know it will cause pain!

Alexander called it 'end gaining,' when we are not concerned with 'how' we do something but are intent on getting it done at all costs!

Our habitual reactions are so strong that they are difficult to change. The Alexander Technique addresses this problem and with a willingness to learn we can change.



How do you run? do you feel heavy or light? Enjoyable effortless running is all about being in balance. Where do you feet land? If your leading foot lands out in front of you, you are effectively 'breaking'. Your leading foot needs to land under your hips/pelvis and then powers you forwards!

Alexander Awareness Week

Awareness week 9th - 15th October 2017, focusing on 'lying in semi-supine' a state of active rest.

Just 10-15minutes a day will allow you to notice your tension which you probably didn't know you had! so then you can learn to release it which could be the cause of those aches and pains.

Creatures of habit!

When learning the Alexander technique we begin to notice our habbitual tension and the ways that we move, for example we can usually recognise someone in the distance just by the way they walk even before you can see their face.  It is the same with our thinking patterns. I have been noticing recently how one thought can  trigger another. When I allow this to happen I am soon 'off' down my'habitual' path